condensation process câu
You can set up a plastic sheet to catch dew and condensation.Ông có thể căng bạt nilon ra để hứng sương và hơi nước mà. It took 70 yea...
Foreign companies have developed a new cigarette packaging packaging packaging technology, such as packaging packaging, antifreeze pack...
atmospheric condensation
The steam pump Having initiated in the early 1970 years research and development work on condensing heat generators (combustion product...
condensation coefficient
The work is reported in the paper ‘Selective deposition of silver and copper films by condensation coefficient modulation' published in...
condensation nucleus
Water vapor normally begins to condense on condensation nuclei such as dust, ice, and salt in order to form clouds.Hơi nước thường bắt đ...
condensation point
However, because the gas is very close to its condensation point, there will be some liquid in the system as well.Tuy nhiên, vì khí rất...
condensation polymer
Unlike most other nylons, nylon 6 is not a condensation polymer, but instead is formed by ring-opening polymerization.Không như những n...
condensation polymerization
Subsequently polyamides 6, 10, 11, and 12 have been developed based on monomers which are ring compounds; e.g. caprolactam.nylon 66 is ...
condensation reaction
When galactose is combined with glucose via a condensation reaction, it results in disaccharide lactose.Khi cộng với glucose (monosacch...
condensation resin
“Bakelite” is a hard, insoluble condensation resin polymer and can be easily made by heating together phenols and formaldehyde, in the ...
condensation temperature
Helium can be liquefied, but its condensation temperature is the lowest among all the known substances.Khí Heli có thể được hoá lỏng, v...
einstein condensation
After achieving Bose Einstein condensation in dilute gases in 1995, his group was in 1997 able to demonstrate interference between two ...
moisture condensation
Moisture condensation normally occurs if the camcorder is brought directly from a cold place to a warm place.Hiện tượng ngưng tụ hơi ẩm...
be the process of
This may not be the process of other writers, but, it's mine.Có thể đây là thử nghiệm khác của tác giả, nhưng tôi If debugging is the ...
Up to 400% improved throughput on IIS due to in-process hosting supportCải tiến 400% việc xử lý hỗ trợ IIS hosting in-process Up to 400...
I thought they were process servers sent by my wife.Tôi cứ tưởng họ là đám đầu gấu vợ tôi gửi tới. (GROANING) Learning's always a pain...
The s-process creates heavy elements, from strontium upwards.Quá trình s tạo ra các nguyên tố nặng, từ stronti trở lên. The slow captu...
bose-einstein condensation
It took 70 years to realise Einstein's concept of Bose-Einstein condensation in a gas.Phải mất đến 70 năm để tạo ra giọt Einstein-Bose ...
absorption process
Supplemental oxygen can speed the absorption process.Oxy bổ sung có thể làm tăng quá trình hấp thụ. Only the absorption process is bet...
abuse of process
Abuse of process is related to gaming.Lạm dụng quy trình có liên quan đến chơi trò luẩn quẩn. the statement of case is an abuse of pro...
accounting process
It is also investigating concerns about the accounting process at the U.S. nuclear division.Họ cũng đang điều tra về quy trình kế toán ...
accumulative process
K: But learning from a centre, learning as an accumulative process!Krishnamurti: Nhưng học hành từ một trung tâm, học hành như một qui ...
acid process
There are two routes for the hydration process: indirect hydration using the sulfuric acid process, and direct hydration.Có 2 phương ph...
acromion process
The acromion, or acromion process, is a bony projection off the scapula.Các acromion, hoặc acromion quá trình, là một xương raction ra ...
activating process
It could be argued that without the discovery of carbon’s use a decoloring agent, its possible that the activating process for carbon m...